Sharpen your risk assessment by evaluating a borrower’s industry, liens, legal history, and web presence alongside revenue and transaction projections.
Take advantage of Baselayer’s exclusive fraud network to uncover banned business, credit stacking indicators, and synthetic identities.
Track Inquiries and Prevent Credit Stacking
Stay ahead by using Baselayer’s Inquiry Tracking and Inquiry Variations to uncover whether other organizations are investigating the same businesses.
Real time tracking lets you know when your business has been searched by other organizations
Gain insights into your portfolio’s credit behavior, with exclusive alerts on liens filings before they hit government records
View permutations of business details that have been searched with the same TIN – a serious indicator of fraud
Identify businesses flagged for fraud, instantly.
Save millions in fraud losses by leveraging the power of the Baselayer Network — the only authoritative registry of high-fraud-risk entities, sourced from top-tier Financial Services leaders across America.
Uncover the type of fraud committed by an entity, and the types of institutions that flagged them
Anonymous early warning signals
Exclusive information, from exclusive institutions
Phone Number and Email Verification
Ensure your applicant is real and reliable with comprehensive phone and email validation.
Bolster your fraud defenses with ML powered predictive analytics
Gain the proprietary data edge of millions of business applications across the industry
Stop previously known bad actors – before they onboard